Monday, July 29, 2019

The End of Empire

Between 1975, when I arrived in Hong Kong, and the end of colonial rule in 1997, I cannot recall a single time when the Hong Kong Police used tear gas.  Today, it is almost a daily occurrence.  Things sure get better, don't they?


John Holmes said...

Tear gas ? Yes, they did - Vietnamese Camps like Whitehead 1994-ish, Shek Kong earlier. Also squatter hut clearances...

Private Beach said...

OK, I was wrong - but it was certainly rare. They're probably using more in a day now than in all those cases put together.

Ji Xiang said...

British rule did bring Hong Kong a lot of benefits, but it was still a form of colonial rule where the natives just had to accept these foreigners ruling over them wether they liked it or not. Not really acceptable by modern standards.