It's puzzling that Carrie Lam is spending so many days hobnobbing with Chinese officials over the border to discuss the content of her delayed Policy Address, when all she has to do to surprise and delight the people of Hong Kong is to condense it to just two simple words: "I resign".
Friday, November 06, 2020
Two Words, Not One More
Tuesday, October 06, 2020
Look Back in Danger
Four decades in Hong Kong have given me a great admiratiuon for the Hong Kong people (if not, alas, for those who govern them). Yet despite their hard work, intelligence, and dedication to principle, one quality is curiously lacking - they seem to be totally unaware that vehicles can travel backwards as well as forward. Any driver in Hong Kong trying to manoeuvre into or out of a tight parking spot can be sure that the second they start reversing, some idiot pedestrian will walk across their path a few inches behind them, seemingly blithely unaware that they are actually moving. I'm not sure what accounts for this blind spot - posasibly the fact that many Hongkongers lack driving experience - but you can be sure that if one of these people who put themselves in harm's way actually suffered an injury, they would immediately blame the poor driver for it and not their own lack of caution.
Mind how you go.
Friday, October 02, 2020
When in doubt, see Rule 2
Monday, September 28, 2020
We are the people our government warned us against
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Nasal Intrusion

Though the government will no doubt proclaim its mass community testing programme for Covid-19 a magnificent triumph, I leave it to others to comment on whether a turnout of 1.7 million against a projected 5 million, with only a handful of positive test results, really qualifies as a success.
What I do wonder is whether any of the numerous test subjects pictured in the constant stream of propaganda pushing the scheme have given permisision for their depiction in this situation. Surely one time you are entitled to expect a degree of privacy is when undergoing an uncomfortable and unsightly medical procedure probing one's oral cavities?
Given this, I wonder how it is that Chief Executive Carrie Lam (or her body double; it's impossible to tell from this angle) managed to get her own test photographed from behind?

The embattled Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko is quoted as describing protesters against his rule as "people with a criminal past who are unemployed". With that many unemployed in the country, it's not surprising he had to rig the last election to stay in power! Let's hope that he himself soon joins the ranks of the unemployed so his people can look forward to a better future.
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Be careful what you ask for
As in past years, the Hong Kong government is conducting a public consultation exercise on what should be in the Chief Executive's annual Policy Address. This seems a particularly pointless exercise this year, as what the majority of people want is not only clearly unattainable under the current regime, but even to demand it is probably no longer legal. Still, I am wondering what would happen if a million Hongkongers wrote in to say they wanted this year's address to consist of only two words: "I resign".
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Return of the 4 o'clock fairytale hour
Monday, August 17, 2020
Off Target
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Patriots' Pantomime
Saturday, August 01, 2020
Mirror, Mirror
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Thursday, July 09, 2020
If music be the food of love, play not
Saturday, July 04, 2020
The Private Beach Geography Quiz
- Algeria
- Bangladesh
- East Timor
- Eritrea
- Montenegro
- Slovakia
- South Sudan
- Suriname
Friday, June 26, 2020
On the Campaign Trail
As the Orange One hits the campaign trail again in what one can only hope will be a fruitless bid for a second term as president, we are faced once again with that curious question: why do some women (mostly whitre) vote for a serial liar who has a history of blatant sexism? They even have their own website. Well one answer may be provided by the lady on the right of the picture, who is demonstrating the intelligence of Women for Trump by not knowing which way up to hold her placard (no, I didn't doctor that part of the picture).
Stupidity aside, this article explores other reasons for the phenomenon, while this one argues that the female vote for Trump has been overstated. And of course there are the diehard party faithful who would vote for a cockroach or slug if it stood as a Republican. However, I think one big factor in 2016 was that Hillary Clinton was unpopular among a large segment of the female electorate - for some valid reasons, and a lot of invalid ones, like those bizarre pizza parlour child abuse conspiracy theories. Some of that dislike was actually directed at her husband - following Tammy Wynette's advice to "Stand by Your Man" may actually have cost Hillary votes among those who profess "family values" most vociferously.
With Hillary out of the picture, and Joe Biden likely to pick an uncontentious woman as his running mate (Amy Klobuchar would be my giuess), it will be interesting to see whether Trump can keep his female support this time around.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Lessons in Stupidity
Friday, June 12, 2020
I'd like to teach the world not to sing
Legal disclaimer: I am not insulting the national anthem, only the jerks who seek to use it as another weapon in their campaign to remove Hong Kong's freedoms. "Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves!" is a truly noble sentiment - in the right context.
Friday, May 29, 2020
Mixed Messages
Monday, May 25, 2020
Big bad wolf in Granny's clothing
Sunday, May 24, 2020
An Idiot Unmasked
Friday, May 08, 2020
Tales of Terror
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Gates of Mordor
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Bombe Surprise!
Now the government's budget proposes a 7% boost in police manpower. There are two problems with this. The first is that the last thing most Hongkongers want is more cops on the street when they have totally lost faith in the force already. People are tired of being teargassed, pepper-sprayed, beaten over the head and having their freedom of assembly violently repressed. Meanwhile the government continues to ignore widespread demnds for an independent inquiry into the force's conduct, even though some of its own erstwhile allies have joined the call for it.
The other problem is that the force has so thoroughly disgraced itself that it is hard to imagine it still being an attractive career option for anyone sincerely wanting to serve the community. This means that most of the 2,543 extra posts created are likely to appeal only to thugs and bullies, of whom we have far too many in the force already.
Unfortunately, the government is following its usual "eat your shit first or you don't get your candy" strategy by lumping this increase together with other budget measures in a single bill, so that the only way democratic lawmakers can vote it down is to also reject the popular and much-needed relef measures in the budget.
Family business
Thursday, March 05, 2020
A plague on your plague!
So the Cheung Chau Bun Festival joins the long list of mass events in Hong Kong being cancelled to halt the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus. This is ironic, because according to historians, the festival originated out of Taoist rituals to drive off the evil spirits believed responsible for a plague which afflicted the island in the late Ching Dynasty. If these rituals apparently worked a century ago, shouldn't we give them a chance to drive off the current affliction?
Another local institution suspended in the face of the virus is the Mark Six Lottery. For no obvious reason, the date of the next draw on the Jockey Club website has been replaced for weeks now by the ungrammatical message above. If the Jockey Club can still stage horse racing, why not the Mark Six? In these troubling times, we all need to be able to buy a little bit of hope.
Saturday, February 01, 2020
Why it happened
Friday, January 31, 2020
National Suicide Day
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Meanwhile in the UK, Home Secretary Priti Patel denies seeing any evidence that Meghan Markle has faced racism from the British press. Also strange - surely a Cabinet Minister should read the newspapers?