Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Carrie on Dreaming

Beleaguered Chief Secretary Carrie Lam appeared on the TV news a couple of days ago at the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Fun Day in front of a banner proclaiming:
 "Your Dreams.  Our Goals."
(Unfortunately I have not been able to find a photo of this online - perhaps the media are getting tired of reporting every boring move made by senior government figures.)

Apparently this is the HKIE's slogan, not the government's latest vacuous feel-good campaign, but it did get me thinking:

Some of My Dreams
The Government’s Goal?
Real democracy
Human rights
Protection of the Country Parks
Rule of law / judicial independence
Academic freedom
Universal pension scheme
A cap on tourist numbers
Conservation of historic heritage
No white elephant projects

I guess one man’s dream is another man’s (or Party’s) nightmare.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HKIE would blow their top at 4 of your dreams.
HKIE is a gild hall for the civil engineers to insure that all the drawings/designs done by competent engineers overseas have to pay to have an incompetent but connected local sign and stamp them(for his gild fee). ME, EE and ChE are just decorative additions.